Photo of helena agramunt Spain

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I was born in El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona), at eleven years old I won my first painting competition in an invitation to schools nationwide.

The passion for painting did not disappear even though I studied medicine, psychology and philology.

I trained during the 80's in fine arts in the study of artists Muntaner Barcelona, then I took the summer course in Paris Beltone Francine and The Cooper Union...

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I was born in El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona), at eleven years old I won my first painting competition in an invitation to schools nationwide.

The passion for painting did not disappear even though I studied medicine, psychology and philology.

I trained during the 80's in fine arts in the study of artists Muntaner Barcelona, then I took the summer course in Paris Beltone Francine and The Cooper Union Summer Program in the U.S..

Virtually all my work from that era vanished in a tragic fire that took place in my studio in December 1991, the only works that remain in the hands of those who had acquired.

In 1995 I return to my work dedicated with intent when a tragic disease destroys the life of my husband and father of my children, a situation that forces me to park again and dedicame activity entirely to strive to ensure the economic welfare of my family.

For a long time exploring the world of the symbolic painting and COACHPAINT coined the term, which is the study of symbols that accompany the development of human life according to the characteristics that mark your chart. Available on the web

Finally in 2007, coinciding with the publication of my first book of stories, decided to create a work that puts faces to the characters in my book "An Incomplete Lives", the collection is exposed conéxito in Barcelona, Lerida and Palma de Mallorca, has Seventeen boxes which are sold eleven in total.

Repeat experiment 2008 based on my own poetry "Poems of Nothing" set out again with success in various venues in Barcelona, with twenty-two works which are sold seventeen.

I am currently working on a new collection for NO FEAR Foundation CsF.

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